Competition of Battle4Health players

Welcome to the SUGAPAS Competition of Battle4Health players! The goal of the competition is to play the game on a daily basis during October 2022 to gain the most points.

Who can participate?

Anyone between 12-18 years old.

How to participate?

To participate in SUGAPAS Competition you should:

  1. Create an account to SUGAPAS online community & MOOC platform (In case you already have an account in this platform please skip this step).
  2. Download the Battle4Health serious game and create an account. Use the same account to login to the SUGAPAS Steps Tracker app to count your steps. (In case you already have an account in this game please skip this step).
  3. Fill the Participation Form to ensure your participation in the competition
  4. Start playing! The competition will start 01/10/2022 and will be finished 31/10/2022.
How to beat them all?

Just play the game on a daily basis.
The points that you will collect during October 2022 will be calculated to find the winner.
Your goal is gain the most points to defeat the other players.
You can find more instructions on how to use the game following our user manual (enggr)


Where to find more information/discuss with the peers?

If you have any question or you want to connect with the rest of the participants, use the Competition Forum. To use the Competition Forum go and create an account to SUGAPAS online community & MOOC platform (In case you alreade have an account in this platform please skip this step).

When will the winner be announced?

The winner of the competition will be announced in the final SUGAPAS project conference (11th of November 2022).
Also, an e-mail will be sent to the winner by the SUGAPAS Competition supporting team.

What is the award of the winner?